Prayer Walks

  • Ask.

    The Prayer Walk in your neighborhoods that we help pull together continue the asking our Head of the Church the who, where, when, how of planting His church. The what is the Gospel. Praying all the while as you go - with your mates - for the lost sheep to be found. Pleading. Interceding. Petitioning. Supplicating. Asking in faith believing. .

  • Seek.

    We help organize events when other EPC pastors, planters, elders, congregants, leaders come together to seek the Father’s will for a city and a neighborhood, condo and apartment complexes. Compadres come together to walk the streets and neighborhoods with you, praying as you go. Discovering. Watching. Moving. Seeking.

  • Knock.

    We want to walk with you by the many doors behind which there are desprate, broken people, over-due for good news. Prayer walking is battle. It’s work. It’s a glorious breaking-down of enemy strong-holds. It’s not necessarily knocking on doors as much as it is interceding to heaven’s Door to open the hearts and lives of your neighbors.

Request a Prayer Walk Event

Send AGCPN a request to setup a prayer walk event in your neighborhood or city.